True Blue...

...My life in the making...

The Girl

People Call Me: true blue

Currently Living in:
J-town [city that never sleeps], Indonesia

About Me:
Just an ordinary girl who's still trying to fit in this so called world | Born on February 6th as the eldest of 4 | Was named Priscila Febriana Carlita because daddy is a fan of Priscilla Presley | Graduated from FISIP UI-PR & ATMA JAYA-Faculty of Education,English Department | Curiousity kills | Always trying to be in others' shoes | Wanting to be loved&respected sincerely | In search for the true meaning of life

My Complete Profile
Keep on Counting

They Say I am...

a good listener | critical | forgetful | friendly | hard-headed | kind-hearted | moody | pessimistic | punctual | rebellious | reckless | sometimes emotional | tough from the outside | trustworthy

  • blue,black,green,pink
  • comedy,drama,action
  • helping them in need
  • honesty
  • jogging [but rarely have the time for it]
  • making new friends
  • mineral water,capucchino,orange juice
  • movies & music
  • my B 2068 NM
  • reading [especially Indonesian novels]
  • kangkung & rendang
  • shoes & clothes
  • spending quality time with family&friends
  • strawberry ice cream
  • tahu&tempe
  • trying not to regret things that have happened in life
  • yellow & pink rose
  • [N.O]

  • backstabbing
  • bitchy attitudes
  • cats
  • darkness
  • dishonesty
  • eggs!! [but definitely like martabak]
  • egocentrism
  • fakeness
  • horror movies
  • hypocracy
  • impoliteness
  • no action talk only
  • people who don't listen to what others say
  • people who don't appreciate others' point of views
  • people who don't appreciate women!!
  • people who takes advantage of others
  • people who underestimate others
  • snobbish people
  • too crowded places
  • Faves

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    I'm Currently...

    The current mood of cipluk_83 at and feeling The current mood of cipluk_suka_biru at

    My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)

    Words in a Pile

    "Deception Point" by Dan Brown

    Waiting in Line

    "La Tahzan" by DR.'Aidh al-Qarni
    "Epigram" by Jamal
    "Being Ing" by Ucu Agustin

    Just do it!

    beli dictionary-thesaurus
    beli modul distance learning
    beli DVD

    In My Mind

    new sunglasses
    sepatu teplek biru
    white shirt
    clana bahan item
    baju terusan
    skinny jeans item

    Wanna Say Something?

    MySpace Layouts

    Teruntuk Ayah dan Bunda
    Wednesday, November 30, 2005
    Ayah dan Bunda tersayang...
    Maafkan anakmu yang tak tahu terima kasih ini.
    Sungguh... dari relung hati terdalam, ku memohon maaf kalian.
    Bukan maksud hati menyakiti dengan kata dan perbuatan.
    Aku hanya lelah.. lelah sekali..
    Membuat logika tak berjalan seimbang dengan nurani.
    Mencipta permainan kata yang tak seharusnya ku kata.
    Maafkan aku...
    posted by true blue @ 13:19   0 comments
    Mencariku, yaa?
    Tuesday, November 29, 2005
    When? 28 November 2005, 16.32
    Where? On the way back to Jakarta
    Who? a good friend
    What? calling to check on me

    Good friend [GF] : Hi Pluk...
    Me : Hi.. Kenapa, ... ? [silakan isi sendiri titik2nya]
    GF : Nggak.. nggak papa.. Lo ke kampus nggak hari ini?
    Me : Mmhh... nggak. Gw nggak ada kuliah hari ini. Kenapa?
    GF : Lo sakit lagi yaa? Dicariin anak-anak tuch [ah, so sweet of you all...] ---> terdengar suara-suara memanggil namaku.. [kesannya gw selebritis abisshh!]
    Me : Mmhh... iya. Gw agak sakit. Minggu lalu gw nggak masuk dari Rabu sampe Jumat. Baru masuk lagi Sabtu [itu pun gara-gara ada kuliah Bang Oji]
    GF : Oohh.. ya udah.. lo istirahat dech.
    Me : Thank's [nggak tau aja lo kalo gw abis dari Anyer dgn keadaan yg sebenernya masih "nggak" banget!!] Besok gw kuliah koq. Ketemu besok dech!
    GF : OK.. bye..
    Me : bye..


    When? 28 November 2005, 18.08
    Where? In Jakarta already
    Who? another good friend
    What? sending sms to ask me where I was

    Another good friend [AGF] : Lo di mana? Koq ga pernah kliatan.. Gw di takor [hehe.. gw ada koq. Cuman emang lagi kurang sehat ajah..Makanya sempet nggak masuk lagi ;)]
    Me : Hr ini gw ga ada kul. I honestly still feeling not well. Makanya, last week gw ga kul dar hr rabu-jumat. Br masuk Sabtu. Besok gw kul koq. i'LL c u 2mrw dey ;)
    [setelah proses pengeditan seperlunya]


    Sangat nggak nyangka ajah mereka pada nyariin. Thank you so much yaa, guys. It made me feel appreciated and loved as a friend! ;)
    posted by true blue @ 13:08   0 comments
    Ku Rasa
    Sunday, November 27, 2005
    Di balik rapuhku,
    masih ada yang peduli
    Di balik diamnya,
    ada sepercik khawatir menggelora

    Terima kasih yaa...
    atas sms mu (yang tak ku balas),
    atas pesan mu (yang juga tak ku balas),
    pokoqnya.. TERIMA KASIH!!

    Ketidakpekaanku membuat dag-dig-dug di dada
    Ketidaksadaranku munculkan secercah khawatir di rasa
    Bukan ku tak peduli, ku (hanya) tak peka

    Semoga ini sampai pada asamu...
    sejuta rasa terima kasih,
    atas khawatir yang ku rasa sampai relung terdalam
    Dan tentunya...
    sebongkah rasa maaf (yang bernilai tak kurang dari rasa terima kasihku),
    atas perhatian yang tak terbalas
    posted by true blue @ 02:06   0 comments
    Kata Siapa?
    Friday, November 25, 2005
    Aku tetap bungkam
    Mencoba 'tuk nikmati semua
    Mencoba 'tuk tak berkata apa
    Aku tetap diam dan tersenyum...

    Kata siapa lemah itu tak nikmat?
    Buktinya.. Nikmat tetap ku rasa
    Kendati raga sulit menerima
    Masih ada asa yang senantiasa menemani
    posted by true blue @ 17:42   0 comments
    Thursday, November 24, 2005
    Ada yang udah nonton Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire belum? Aku udah douuunkkss... ;) HarPot kali ini emang lebih bagus dibanding HarPot sebelumnya. Adegan aksinya lebih banyak.. Special effects juga lebih oke. Sayangnya, entah kenapa.. dari segi cerita, aku lebih suka HarPot yang sebelumnya (yang ke tiga-red). HarPot kali ini lebih "dark", menegangkan, tapi somehow... (kalo menurutku..) lebih lucu! (mungkin karena cerita antara Ron & Hermione)

    Kata beberapa orang yang udah baca bukunya, banyak adegan yang dipotong, malah ada yang nggak diceritain (yaah.. tipikal film-film yang diadaptasi dari buku lah!). Kayaq misalnya, cerita antara Hermione & Ron. Kalo di buku, kisah mereka berdua (yang saling suka), diceritain dengan detail. Sedangkan di film, cuman diceritain sedikit (bisa dibilang cuman sebagai "bumbu" pelengkap)... Hal ini juga yang terjadi dengan ceritanya si Harry yang naksir sama salah satu cewek di Hogwarts, Cho (Katie Lieung). O iya, untuk yang penasaran sama bentuk & muka Lord Voldemort, di film ini bakal ditunjukkin muka aslinya, yang (asliii yaa...) bikin nggak selera makan! hehehe... Well, overall, in my opinion, I would give 7,5 out of 10 for this movie!

    One more thing, buat yang nge-fans sama Daniel Radcliffe, siap-siap buat kehilangan dech. Nggak tahu bener ato nggak nich, tapi kabar yang beredar... si pemeran Harry Potter itu bakal nggak main lagi di HarPot selanjutnya. Begitu pula pemeran Ron (Rupert Grint) & Hermione (Emma Watson). Hhmm... siapa kira-kira penggantinya yaa?? Any ideas, people?
    posted by true blue @ 20:58   0 comments
    Bungkam dalam Rapuhku
    Tuesday, November 22, 2005
    Saat ku sadar rapuhku,
    mungkin bungkam adalah yang terbaik
    Mencoba mencerna dunia,
    yang terasa semakin tak tentu

    Saat ku rasa sakitku,
    mungkin diam adalah yang terbaik
    Mencoba tidurkan raga,
    yang makin tak berdaya

    Kalau begitu...
    bungkam dan diam saja lah aku!
    Toh mengeluh tak ada guna
    Hanya habiskan daya,
    buang waktu percuma
    Jadi.. bungkam dan diam saja!
    Mungkin itu lebih nikmat...
    posted by true blue @ 13:56   0 comments
    Not Bad Afterall...
    It's actually amazing how we never know what will happen in the future. The absence of knowing what the future will hold is a gift that we should be thanking of. By just living the present (and preparing for whatever lies ahead, ofcourse) gives you something in reward. It keeps you focus.. calm.. yet, also curious. I find this very challenging.

    For some reasons, I don't believe in fortune telling. The way I see it, there's only one Man who knows everything (I suppose you already know who He is) And this kind of situation gives us the time to prepare ourselves for what the future will hold. That time of preparing also gives us the chance to learn more about ourselves & eventually gain something out of it ;)


    Anyway, last Saturday, I was planning to go to two of my friends birthday parties. They weren't big, but I had the chance to relax & catch up with some (quite) "lost" friends. The night was actually windy and chilly. It was raining for some time. To make matter worse, I had been so sleepy since the time I had to get up for class!! Luckily, I had you (yes, you...) drove the car from the beginning (thank you so much!). We actually got ourselves (unpurposely) LOST on the way to the 2nd house.. It was nearly 1 hour before we finally found the exact location.

    Getting lost was probably better than having to arrived at my friend's house (at least that's what I thought before finally leaving the place & went home). I suddenly felt "alone" in the crowd, yet.. my friends were joking around and laughing at what ever they could laught at. They seemed to have a really great time. And there I was... trying to cope up with the situation. Smiling... Laughing... Trying to chat with some friends, even joked a little. Felt so "not me".. yet, I continued doing what I had been doing.

    At the end of the night... I came to realise that it wasn't a bad night after all. Let's see... I got the chance to sleep for a while in the car (while you were driving). I got to see my "lost" friends who I actually missed dearly. I got to catch up with their newest news. I also got to learn about the streets in Jakarta which I had never been before (Pamulang-red). And I got the chance to spend time and talk with you! ;)

    Blue Star... Thank you for a wonderful night. It was fun and nice spending time with you :)
    posted by true blue @ 00:00   0 comments
    A Way for a Hard Will
    Friday, November 18, 2005
    Beberapa hari lalu, aku ketemu sama PA (Penasehat Akademik-red) ku yang di ATMA. Tenang.. tenang.. nothing serious. Really.. cuman ngurus RPM (Rencana Pengambilan Mata kuliah-red) untuk semester depan.

    Pas lagi konsultasi itu, aku baru ngeh... mata kuliah yang aku ambil semester depan itu... mmhh... how should i put it yaa?? Well, I just come to realize, that the subjects that I'll be taking for next semester are almost HEAVY subjects! Mata kuliah-mata kuliah yang "aduhai" lah pokoqnya... Dari 7 mata kuliah, 6 di antaranya 3 sks & 4 di antaranya bener-bener butuh perhatian ekstra (baca: tugasnya ribet dan nggak gampang!)


    Percakapan Cipluk dengan si PA
    PA : Kamu yakin nggak keberatan dengan mata kuliah yang kamu ambil ? Ini mata kuliahnya berat-berat louh..
    Cipluk (setengah ragu tapi bernada yakin) : Mmhh.. saya harus bisa, Mam. Kalo nggak, saya bisa tambah lama kuliahnya
    PA : OK then.. O iya, saya lupa nawarin ke kamu. Sekarang kan kamu bisa milih thesis atau non-thesis. Berhubung nilai kamu bagus-bagus, nanti kamu ambil thesis kan??
    Cipluk (masih dengan ragu & setengah yakin) : Mmhh.. iya, Mam. Nanti saya ambil thesis
    PA : Good... Saya yakin kamu bisa koq!
    Cipluk : cuman bisa mesem-mesem...


    Setelah kelar konsultasi, aku baru sadar, "Koq gw bisa yakin gituh yaa??" Beberapa temenku juga udah bilang kalo 3 dari 4 mata kuliah yang "aduhai" itu, sebaiknya nggak digabung. Sampe rumah pun, aku masih bingung kenapa aku bisa seyakin itu. Mata kuliah yang aku ambil semester depan emang nggak main-main.

    Sampai detik ini pun, aku masih bingung... gimana caranya ngatur waktu yang baik semester depan. Maklum.. di UI, semester depan juga dipenuhi dengan kuliah-kuliah yang sama "aduhai"nya ;( Hix hix hix... Aku cuman bisa berserah (dan berusaha tentunya..) Aku udah milih jalan ini dari awal. Jadi, harusnya.. aku juga udah tahu konsekuensinya (iya kann?)

    In my four years studying in 2 universities, I have always been given a way out of any academic problems. So, I assume... kali ini aku juga akan, somehow, menemukan jalan yang terbaik... Aku yakin, tahun depan, gelar S.Sos & S.Pd udah bisa aku persembahkan buat ayah & ibu tercinta :)

    Doain yaa...
    posted by true blue @ 22:42   2 comments
    Value Yourself
    Monday, November 14, 2005
    Pembicaraan melalui layar maya dengan seseorang, ternyata sedikit "menyentil" neuron. Kalimatnya sederhana (tapi nggak pernah terlintas di benak), "... and as the reward, I expect.. simply just appreciations to yourself.." Hhmm...hal ini sesekali mampir di benak, tapi kemudian berlalu gitu aja. Kalo mau jujur, mungkin banyak dari kita yang menganggap hal ini sepele. Tapi kenyataannya... justru dari menghargai diri sendiri lah, kita bisa lebih menghargai orang lain.

    Di antara kita ada yang (mungkin) sering jadi penasehat (dalam hal apa pun) untuk orang lain. Segitu oke-nya kita dalam memberikan nasehat / masukan untuk orang lain, kita seringkali lupa.. bahwa sebenarnya kita juga butuh nasehat. Dan terkadang, sebagian orang lebih mudah memberi nasehat ketimbang menjalankannya. It's easier said than done. Boleh percaya boleh nggak, tapi terkadang tanpa disadari, kita cenderung memikirkan orang lain daripada diri sendiri. Hey... bukannya itu nggak boleh... but try to keep this in mind, apa pun yang sifatnya terlalu / lebih (baik itu lebih banyak / lebih sedikit), will eventually lead to non-beneficial effects (not just to ourself, but also those around us).

    The way I see it, if you want to learn to respect other people or life itself, you might want to start by giving more appreciation to yourself. Respect yourself as you respect other's. It will be a good starting point as to appreciate what has been given to us.
    posted by true blue @ 16:33   0 comments
    Di Bawah Semburat Senja
    Saturday, November 12, 2005
    Senja tadi berlalu terlalu cepat di hadapku
    Terpaku diri saksikan adamu, yang tampak tak seperti biasa
    Termenung hati saksikan matamu, yang tak pancarkan sinar birunya
    Tak banyak yang ingin ku kata
    Jika saja keadaan mengijinkan,
    Sungguh... ingin ku dekap adamu lebih lama
    Sekedar beri kenyamanan yang (mungkin) kau butuhkan
    Sekedar temani harimu yang (mungkin) tak bersahabat...
    posted by true blue @ 18:01   0 comments
    Not My Kind of Day
    Thursday, November 10, 2005
    Siapa yang suka Rumah Sakit?? Yang jawab "iya", must be out of his/her mind!! Get real, people... sejak kapan ada yang suka RS? Aku aja nggak tahan sama baunya... gimanaaa...gituu! Kayaq bau antiseptik yang disemprot terus-menerus seharian :( And somehow, I just can't bare seeing lots of sick people. Truthfully, aku nggak tega ngeliatnya.

    Well, guess where I spent my day this efternoon?? For those of you who answer "hospital"... well... lucky you, you're right! ---> as if for me, I wasn't that lucky. Spending nearly 6 hours in a hospital isn't the kind of leisure activities I have in mind.

    It all started with my being passed out during class at ATMA yesterday. Yup... I fainted!! To make matter worse, I was in the middle of doing my quiz!! (geez.. can't it be "better" than that??!) All I remember is.. I was in the middle of answering the last question.. and suddenly... the next thing I knew.. I was walking with my brother, Gendon, holding my hands and Mam Krisanti, my academic advisor, walking besides me. Aku dibawa ke ruang tamu FKIP. Mam Kris waited on me, while Gendon was busy making phonecalls to Bude Nana, my Mom's sister. My parents & Gendis are out of town and won't be getting back until this Sunday. So, should anything goes wrong with any of us (me, Ceplik, Gendon), Bude Nana should be the first one to be informed.

    Malemnya, aku ke dokter ditemenin Ceplik. Dokterku itu praktek di RS Jakarta. Aku harusnya rutin check-up ke dia setiap beberapa bulan sekali. Tapi, udah sekitar setahun terakhir ini (due to my busy schedule, laziness, and the undying dislike of hospital or anything that has to do with it--->it doesn't mean I hate doctor, though) aku nggak balik-balik. Jadilah si dokter cuman senyum-senyum waktu ngeliat aku (iya lah... setahun nggak nongol, trus sekarang tiba-tiba aja ada di hadapan mata!). Setelah routine examamination, dia nyuruh aku untuk secepatnya melakukan MRI, MRS (spectroscopy), MRA (these three is a series of brain scan) sebelum periksa ke dia lagi. He reffered me to Pantai Indah Kapuk Hospital. Pertama kali denger Pantai Indah Kapuk, aku langsung menjerit dalam hati.. Jauuuhhh yaaa...

    Jadilah tadi siang aku stuck di RS PIK :( Dari nunggu giliran sampe nerima hasil, it took approximately 6 hours! It sure has been a loooooonnnnnnnggggg day at the hospital! Harusnya, setelah nerima hasilnya, sore tadi aku pergi ke tempat praktek dokterku di Rawamangun (harusnya louh...) Well, due to some circumstances (one of them being exhausted and still feeling unhealthy), I decided not to go. Akhirnya, dari sana aku langsung pulang.

    At this moment, I'm still (honestly) feeling unwell. Badanku berasa rontok & pegel-pegel.. Masih sedikit lemes.. Sakit kepala masih suka muncul.. Intinya, masih belum ngerasa fit untuk kuliah. Tadi pagi aja, kalo nggak karena absen ATMA yang udah full, I'd probably spend my day at home in my bed ;)

    Thank's for those who have taken the time to check on me (through sms, calls ---> even just missed-call, & leaving messages in my blog). I really appreciate it :)
    posted by true blue @ 22:34   4 comments
    Feels like a thousand miles away,
    yet.. it's probably not "that far"
    Is it wrong to feel this way?
    posted by true blue @ 20:09   0 comments
    Wednesday, November 09, 2005

    Healthiness is not everything,

    but without it everything is nothing...

    (a good philosophy that I got from Cilandak Marine Hospital)
    Hhmm...I'd probably need to adopt it for my self
    posted by true blue @ 22:41   0 comments
    Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa
    Sunday, November 06, 2005
    Tadi sore aku iseng blogwalking. And I stopped by at Marissa's. She's a friend from ATMA who just recently graduated and currently teaching at EF (you go, girl!). Dia cerita, kalo ada temen sekantornya yang menganggap bahwa jadi guru itu pekerjaan rendahan ??!!!!!?? What the...??! (I honestly got pissed myself). Heraann... hari gini masih ada aja yang beranggapan kalo jadi guru itu nggak worth it???!!! Mo' marah rasanya sama orang yang ngomong kayaq gituh!

    Aku suka nggak abis pikir.. koq masih ada aja orang bego yang berpikir kayaq gitu. Dia nggak sadar yaa kalo dia bisa jadi seperti sekarang karena guru??! Coba nggak ada guru... apa jadinya dunia?? Tanpa ada guru, nggak bakalan ada yang namanya orang-orang pinter (yang sayangnya suka bego dan berpikiran bahwa guru itu perkejaan rendahan). Bahkan para pemimpin negara pun dulunya pasti sekolah.. dan di sekolah itu, siapa lagi yang ngajar kalo bukan guru?! Iya kann?!!?

    Huh!! Kalo sampe aku ketemu sama orang kayaq gini... serius dech.. bakal aku maki-maki tu' orang! Dia pikir dia siapa?? Seenaknya aja ngata-ngatain profesi guru. Jadi guru itu pekerjaan mulia. Coba dech mikir... dengan gaji yang mungkin nggak seberapa, guru tetep punya komitmen tinggi untuk mendidik anak muridnya (yang mungkin bandelnya melebihi batas normal, males, dan nggak punya rasa hormat) supaya bisa jadi "orang".

    Pesen nich buat lo (who ever you are!!): Cuman orang bego yang menganggap dirinya tahu segala hal. Dan cuman orang tolol yang menganggap bahwa jadi guru itu pekerjaan rendahan! Huh.. kalo nggak ada guru, lo juga nggak bakal bisa kerja di tempat lo kerja sekarang!!!

    From now on, respect your teachers!
    posted by true blue @ 22:40   1 comments
    What if?
    Why is it harder to believe in something that is said than done?
    Why is it harder to believe without seeing?
    When these kinda things take place, all you need is probably an injection of positivity to light up your day.

    But what if.. only if.. it doesn't work?
    What if you need more than just an injection of positivity in your mind?
    What if you need more than just an optimistic point of view?

    In some cases, all you need is a solid evidence of what is said.
    In some cases, you need to see to believe.
    In my case, it's hard enough to believe after being torn.. Probably, I DO need a solid evidence.
    posted by true blue @ 21:48   0 comments
    Back to Normal
    Saturday, November 05, 2005
    Jakarta mulai rame lagi nich... Tadi pagi aku sempet ke PIM. Begitu masuk parkiran, hhhh... langsung ilfil. Bukan karena susah nyari parkiran, tapi karena Rame! Dari banyaknya mobil yang parkir, keliatan kalo di dalem pasti juga rame. Niatnya sich pengen nyari novel baru di Gramed, tapi ternyata... nggak ada novel baru ataupun novel-novel lama lainnya yang menarik di hati :( Gramed rame pula! Aku langsung malesh...

    Jalanan Jakarta juga kayaqnya (sangat disayangkan) udah mulai back to normal. Nggak se-sepi kemaren & kemarennya lagi. Hhmm... coba Lebarannya seminggu, pasti enak dech. Jalanan sepi.. nggak macet.. polusi kurang.. irit bensin.. mo pergi-pergi juga enak!
    ;) ---> ngarep!
    posted by true blue @ 21:11   0 comments
    Thursday, November 03, 2005
    Lebaran kali ini kayaqnya Jakarta nggak se-sepi yang aku kira. Tadi siang aku nganter Ceplik kerja (yup, she's working). And I was quite surprised by the traffic condition. Jalanan rame, luckily... it wasn't jammed. Orang-orang Jakarta banyak yang nggak mudik kayaqnya ;)

    Hawa "keramean" ini udah keliatan dari malem takbiran. Semalem aku sempet makan di KFC Kemang bareng Ceplik & Gendon. Dan jalanan dipenuhi dengan mobil-mobil bak terbuka yang diisi oleh anak-anak kecil (padahal... mobil dengan bak terbuka kayaq gitu - seharusnya - nggak boleh diisi dengan manusia!) I guess for us, Indonesians, rules are meant to be broken. What a sad & humiliating, yet true, fact it is :( Nggak heran Indonesia susah untuk jadi negara maju...

    Anyway, Lebaran tahun ini emang bisa dibilang beda dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Banyak banget cobaan yang dateng. Dari tsunami akhir tahun lalu.. bom bali.. naiknya harga BBM (which eventually lead to the increasing of the price of life's needs!).. dll. You may see this as another same old crap, but I do hope that we'll soon get over this chaotic condition. All we need is patience, pray, faith, and last buat not least... hard work!
    posted by true blue @ 22:33   0 comments
    Mari Saling Memaafkan
    Kala rasa ternoda oleh nafsu,
    disadari atau tidak, kita lukai hati dengan ujaran dan sikap.
    Sebelum fajar terbit di ufuk Timur,
    tak ada salahnya bersihkan hati 'tuk sambut hari kemenangan.
    Semoga hari yang fitri ini senantiasa dipenuhi dengan keikhlasan
    'tuk memohon maaf dan memaafkan segala khilaf hati.

    Have a blessed Idul Fitri to those who are celebrating it...
    posted by true blue @ 02:08   0 comments
    Holiday, Here I Come!
    Wednesday, November 02, 2005
    Kemaren itu hari terakhir aku kuliah di Atma&UI sebelum libur Lebaran. Which means... hari ini udah Libuuuurrrr!!!! ;) Senangnya bisa bangun pagi tanpa mesti mikirin kuliah dan tugas-tugas! wakakaka...

    Anyway, since yesterday was the last day in campus, lots of my friends didn't come for the last lecturing (apalagi yang di UI). Gila, begitu masuk kampus UI, langsung bengong ngeliat keadaannya yang udah mirip kota mati.. Hiiyy.... Satpam udah pada libur, kantin tutup, mahasiswa banyak (banget!) yang nggak masuk, pegawai yang masuk pun juga dikit. Dan akhirnya, dengan hanya dihadiri 9 orang (dari 30 sekian), kuliahku tetep berjalan. Untungnya si dosen berbaik hati untuk cuman kuliah sekitar 30 menit (mulai 19.15, kelar 19.45). Itu pun nggak ngebahas kuliah, cuman ngomongin hasil UTS.

    Happy holiday, guyz... Make the best of it before you come to realize that it's only temporary! hahaha... ;)
    posted by true blue @ 08:32   0 comments

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